This blog serves simply as one cachers documentation of adventure and creativity.
Discover. Explore. Inspire.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

New GPS - Magellan Triton 1500

Well, actually it's my first personal GPS.

So I bought myself a GPS unit to do geocaching solo. I debated back and forth between the Magellan eXplorist GC that they actually made specifically for geocaching and the Magellan Triton 1500 before finally landing on the Triton. Just in case I ever want it for anything other than geocaching. I went and tested it out this morning on a cache that I had already found once. I was very pleased! It was spot on and very easy to operate. I'm enjoying it.

On my way out of the cache location I was taking photos of plant life that caught my attention[ ...and the swing set. =D], when I heard a helicopter nearby. So, I stopped and watched it come around the mesa nearest the park and thought to myself "my it's getting awfully low". Then it sunk in that it was indeed going to land. I was quite confused, where the hell would it land around here? It lowered itself near a house just behind the park. All the kids at the park became quite ecstatic and run up the hill to watch. I still haven't the slightest clue as to why it was out there.

I then went to scout out a potential cache placement. There's a bridge near the park and I wanted to see what sort of cache I could get away with up there. If it were on the bridge itself it'd have to be a nanocache. However, I could hide a smaller cache around the bridge somewhere. After scouting out the bridge I was headed back to my car along the sidewalk. I was just about there when I heard a rustle in the ground oak next to me, not a very quiet rustle either. Much to my surprise a large doe bounded out in my direction, stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me and just stared. She was an easy 20 ft away...just staring. I made no quick movements and slowly got out my camera. She started to walk back into the ground oak as I did this, but I did manage to get a shot before she was out of sight. I wish I had been able to act faster when she was much closer.

Overall quite an exciting morning before work!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My White Whale

So the boy and I went down to the park today after dinner to see if we could find my nemesis nanocache..aaaaand we did! Came home and rewarded myself with a sarsaparilla rootbeer I picked up today. Now I have to set out to tackle Soap Box Derby...the other one we didn't find.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


This past weekend we started up our caching again. It was an absolutely gorgeous day outside, perfect for hunting!

We started off with one very close to the house-
"A Step off the Beaten Path"
This is actually one we were set out to find last year among a few others, but an incoming storm forced us off the hill it's on. Nothing too fancy about this one in particular, it just has a nice view. :)

Next up were "On the Trail Travel Bug Hotel" and "D.C. Fairgrounds Park". I picked up my first travel bug out of the Hotel: "Sally the Boogie Hula Hooch"

Our last stop lead us to a beautiful little valley tucked away behind a development a little east of us. The name is quite well suited - "Hidden Valley"
I relocated Sally to this location just because I could. :)

I did get a few good pictures of some local wildflowers and the little valley on this excursion too!

Geocaching Adventures!

Welcome to Zei's Geocaching Blog!

I decided to start [attempting] to document my geocaching adventures.

Geocaching is a light hobby I picked up with my Boy [read boyfriend]. It's something we've only done from time to time in the warmer months and generally in local areas of Colorado. I have grown to enjoy it to the point I'm looking into buying my own outdoor gps and seeking out some solo. [Not that I don't enjoy the company. ;)]

In the warmer months especially it gives me an active fun hobby to get myself outside. Many times a decent distance of walking and/or hiking is involved. It also lets me exercise my photography skills as I often stop or take my time to get to a location just to look at the scenery. Even locally it allows for discovery. Just this past weekend while caching The Boy and I found a very lovely little valley tucked away behind a development.

So let the exploring begin!